Airlight Knit Pullover

Airlight Knit Pullover

Our pullover warms when it’s cool, breathes when it’s warm – this is an ultralight layer your staff is sure to appreciate from season to season.

Product Details

Men's Sizes: Small to XXXXXL; Tall Large to XXXL

Women's Sizes: X-Small to X-Large; Plus 1X to 3X

1. Choose Color

Color: Navy

2. Enter Sizes and Quantities


Item #: SW521835
66 of this item is in stock. 24 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 90 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 66
Avail 1/2 - 24
135 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 147 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 135
Avail 11/15 - 12
0 of this item is in stock. 158 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 158 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 0
Avail 11/15 - 158
0 of this item is in stock. 134 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 134 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 0
Avail 11/15 - 134
0 of this item is in stock. 43 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 43 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 0
Avail 11/15 - 43
0 of this item is in stock. 18 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 18 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 0
Avail 11/15 - 18
10 of this item is in stock. 24 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 34 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 10
Avail 1/2 - 24
12 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 24 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 12
Avail 11/15 - 12


Item #: SW521836
36 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 36 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 36
19 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 19 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 19
8 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 8 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 8
27 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 27 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 27


Item #: SW521835
20 of this item is in stock. 24 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 44 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 20
Avail 1/2 - 24
39 of this item is in stock. 96 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 135 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 39
Avail 1/2 - 96
82 of this item is in stock. 96 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 178 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 82
Avail 1/2 - 96
23 of this item is in stock. 72 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 95 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 23
Avail 1/2 - 72
15 of this item is in stock. 36 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 51 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 15
Avail 1/2 - 36
10 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 22 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 10
Avail 1/2 - 12


Item #: SW521836
33 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 33 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 33
22 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 22 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 22
24 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 24 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 24
18 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 18 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 18


Item #: SW521835
67 of this item is in stock. 72 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 139 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 67
Avail 1/2 - 72
274 of this item is in stock. 276 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 550 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 274
Avail 1/2 - 276
471 of this item is in stock. 37 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 508 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 471
Avail 11/15 - 37
241 of this item is in stock. 25 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 266 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 241
Avail 11/15 - 25
80 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 92 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 80
Avail 11/15 - 12
43 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 55 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 43
Avail 1/2 - 12


Item #: SW521836
87 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 87 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 87
85 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 85 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 85
54 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 54 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 54
36 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 36 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 36


Item #: SW521835
22 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 22 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 22
86 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 86 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 86
33 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 33 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 33
0 of this item is in stock. 50 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 50 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 0
Avail 11/15 - 50
0 of this item is in stock. 1 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 1 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 0
Avail 11/15 - 1
0 of this item is in stock. 9 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 9 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 0
Avail 11/15 - 9
0 of this item is in stock. 5 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 5 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 0
Avail 11/15 - 5
2 of this item is in stock. 25 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 27 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 2
Avail 11/15 - 25


Item #: SW521836
50 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 50 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 50
45 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 45 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 45
21 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 21 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 21
22 of this item is in stock. 0 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 22 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 22


Item #: SW521828
3 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 15 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 3
Avail 11/20 - 12
0 of this item is in stock. 215 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 215 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 0
Avail 1/15 - 215
0 of this item is in stock. 367 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 367 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 0
Avail 1/15 - 367
4 of this item is in stock. 100 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 104 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 4
Avail 11/20 - 100
31 of this item is in stock. 60 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 91 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 31
Avail 11/20 - 60


Item #: SW521831
15 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 27 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 15
Avail 11/20 - 12
15 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 27 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 15
Avail 1/15 - 12
9 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 21 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 9
Avail 1/15 - 12


Item #: SW521828
53 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 65 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 53
Avail 4/1 - 12
81 of this item is in stock. 72 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 153 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 81
Avail 1/15 - 72
175 of this item is in stock. 96 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 271 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 175
Avail 1/15 - 96
162 of this item is in stock. 96 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 258 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 162
Avail 1/15 - 96
115 of this item is in stock. 156 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 271 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 115
Avail 4/1 - 156


Item #: SW521831
32 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 44 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 32
Avail 4/1 - 12
36 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 48 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 36
Avail 4/1 - 12
27 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 39 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 27
Avail 4/1 - 12


Item #: SW521828
39 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 51 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 39
Avail 4/1 - 12
51 of this item is in stock. 60 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 111 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 51
Avail 11/20 - 60
94 of this item is in stock. 96 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 190 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 94
Avail 11/20 - 96
84 of this item is in stock. 84 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 168 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 84
Avail 11/20 - 84
71 of this item is in stock. 48 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 119 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 71
Avail 11/20 - 48


Item #: SW521831
36 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 48 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 36
Avail 4/1 - 12
18 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 30 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 18
Avail 1/15 - 12
17 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 29 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 17
Avail 1/15 - 12


Item #: SW521828
1 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 13 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 1
Avail 4/1 - 12
0 of this item is in stock. 36 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 36 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 0
Avail 1/15 - 36
66 of this item is in stock. 60 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 126 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 66
Avail 11/20 - 60
149 of this item is in stock. 48 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 197 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 149
Avail 1/15 - 48
90 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 102 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 90
Avail 1/15 - 12


Item #: SW521831
38 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 50 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 38
Avail 4/1 - 12
3 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 15 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 3
Avail 11/20 - 12
13 of this item is in stock. 12 are available to backorder. To add items of this variety to your bag, you'll need to update your requested quantity to 25 or less. Invalid quantity value
In Stock - 13
Avail 11/20 - 12




Lead Times & Logo Fees

First-time orders usually have two stages: setting up your logo and then applying your logo to merchandise. Logo set up takes about a week; Logo application and order processing take about two weeks. Additional fees apply for logos. Repeat orders are generally shipped in eight business days. Details  

Important Information for New Logos
For orders with new logos, an L.L.Bean for Business Account Representative will be contacting you for your approval prior to production.  Details


Our pullover warms when it’s cool, breathes when it’s warm – this is an ultralight layer your staff is sure to appreciate from season to season.

Product Details

Size & Fit

  • Traditional Fit

Logo Information

Default Placement

  • Left Chest Above Yoke Seam

Max Logo Size

  • Men's Chest: 4.5"w x 4.5"h; Shoulder: 3.5"w x 3.5"h
  • Women's Chest or Shoulder: 3.5"w x 3.5"h


Fabric & Care

  • 100% polyester with streamlined batting for warmth without weight.
  • Moisture-wicking, quick drying properties keep you comfortable.
  • Abrasion-resistant fabric stands up to daily wear and tear.
  • UPF 50+ rated for protection against harmful rays.
  • Bluesign approved fabric ensures minimal impact on the environment.
  • Machine wash and dry.


Additional Features

  • Pullover style with snap placket.
  • Kangaroo pocket.
  • Binding at hem and wrists help seal out drafts.
  • Imported.






Save up to 20% with Our Volume Discount. Details